12 Best Foods to Lower Your Blood Sugar


Avocados contain fibre, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and more. Healthy monounsaturated fatty acids are also found in them. Avocados have several health advantages without causing blood sugar increases. Avocados might have a low glycemic index and load.


Protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients abound in beans. Beans include carbohydrates, however their fibre content slows carb digestion, reducing blood sugar response. Beans are low-glycemic too. Eating beans can improve insulin sensitivity and manage blood sugar, preventing diabetes.


Almonds, pistachios, and walnuts reduce blood sugar. These foods are nutritious and contain fibre and healthy fats. Nuts have been shown to lower blood sugar and insulin. They can also keep you full and lower diabetes risk. Only portion sizes matter with nuts. Daily recommendations advise 1.5 ounces of nuts or seeds.

Nuts and nut butters

Healthy protein comes from fish. Healthy protein helps reduce blood sugar changes, therefore we need sufficient of it. Fish is carb-free and abundant in omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish helps balance blood glucose and lower diabetes risk.


Healthy spinach is well-known, and science supports it. Spinach contains vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals for good health. Managing insulin and blood sugar with spinach Spinach, like other non-starchy plants, has low carbohydrates and glycemic index, therefore it won't raise blood sugar.


As with beans, lentils help lower blood sugar. Studies show that swapping lentils for high-starch side dishes like rice will lower blood sugar by 20%. Protein, fibre, iron, potassium, and other nutrients are abundant in lentils.


Cinnamon lowers type 2 diabetes risk and improves blood sugar control. Spices like cinnamon and others have little calories and carbs, so you can easily add them to your diet.


Oats are high-fiber, low-glycemic whole grains. Beta-glucan, a fibre, reduces glucose and insulin reactions in the body. Researchers say oats and muesli can help diabetics control their blood sugar.

Oats and oatmeal

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are healthy. Blood sugar sufferers gain most from broccoli, a superb diet. A 2017 study found that concentrated broccoli sprout extract supplements may lower type 2 diabetics' blood sugar by 10%. Broccoli's 3.8 g of fibre per serving may explain these benefits. Vitamin C and antioxidants are in broccoli.


As said, beans are fiber-rich and help manage blood sugar. If you only want whole beans, you're missing out. Pureeing beans makes hummus, another low-glycemic, blood sugar-lowering food. Hummus is a Mediterranean and Middle Eastern staple. It commonly contains chickpeas, tahini (ground sesame), lemon juice, garlic, oil, and salt.


Cruciferous veggies include kale. These nutrient-dense vegetables have been extensively studied for their health advantages, including protection against chronic diseases including heart disease and cancer. Non-starchy kale is abundant in nutrients but low in carbohydrates. It won't raise your blood sugar and can reduce post-meal increases.


Berries are helpful for lowering blood glucose. Like other fruits and vegetables, berries include fibre, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Berry flavonoids are antioxidant stars. Berries have less sugar than other fruits, making them great. Berries control glucose. This is beneficial for insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and health.


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