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The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US

The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US

The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US: Plan to visit a public garden whether you are traveling for work or pleasure, by yourself or with friends.

There’s nothing better than taking a walk through a warm greenhouse full of exotic plants on a cold winter day, smelling the sweet scent of thousands of roses in the summer, or getting ideas for your own yard from borders that have been artistically designed.

The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US

When you visit these gardens, you often help fund important conservation efforts and horticultural studies. You can also get ideas for your own gardens and learn about new plants and gardening techniques.

This list shows some of the best parks in the whole country that we think you should visit.


  • This park is a real gem in the city, and it has something for everyone, all year round.
  • The naturalistic Urban Meadow and the 150-foot-long suspension bridge over a deep ravine are great for kids of all ages.
  • Gardeners and photographers will love the highly regarded annual border with its unique plant combinations.


  • This 12-acre garden has eight different garden styles, meandering streams, quiet paths, an authentic Japanese Tea House, and a stunning view of Mt. Hood.
  • It is a peaceful oasis for everyone who walks through the traditional gates.
  • To finish your tour, go to the Cultural Village, which was built by the famous architect Kengo Kuma.
  • Traditional Japanese arts can be experienced here through seasonal events, performances, and demonstrations.

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  • At Filoli, there is a lot to see and learn. This is a trip to enjoy.
  • The traditional terraces, well-kept lawns, and stone balustrades will enchant you, making you think of a grand English estate.
  • The views of the Santa Cruz Mountains in the distance are also stunning.
  • There are cute brick garden structures all over the grounds, which are the perfect place for the groups of weathered clay pots that are full of seasonal flowers and bulbs. But there’s more than that.
  • There are geometric beds full of color surrounded by trimmed bushes, long views that draw you through the garden, peaceful water features, and formal paths.


  • Explore 55 acres of landscaped gardens and open places that make you feel like you’re traveling the world.
  • You should see the beautiful show of over 200 magnolias in bloom if you are here in January or February.
  • Many of the varieties are very rare. People also always like to visit the Succulent Garden and the New Zealand displays.


  • Our local garden expert told us that this beautiful 207-acre estate would be a great place to get big ideas during our self-guided day trip to Los Angeles.
  • You could spend all day in this park, but the Desert Garden is a must-see, especially in the late afternoon when the sun shines behind the cactus collection.
  • The California Garden next to the restaurant is a stunning example of how beautiful native plants that grow in dry climates can be.


  • This amazing retreat has a forest of heritage coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia), a themed rose garden with companion plantings, and a Camelia Collection for California Natives.
  • It has botanical collections and seasonal shows as well as natural beauty all year long.


  • Look around the multisensory Enabling Garden to get ideas for your own yard, and read about the best stars from the trial gardens.
  • A garden expert in our area told us that this yard was a great place to learn something new every day.
The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US

The 10 Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the US


  • This floral garden is not like most. It is now a National Historic Landmark and has been open to the public since 1859.
  • Looking for interesting groups of plants? Yes, check. Gardens for showing off? You can get ideas from 23 of them.
  • Conservatories, please? There are three: a futuristic geodesic dome that covers more than half an acre, a charming brick greenhouse that was built in 1882, and a more modern temperate house with a number of themed displays.


  • This yard makes up for its small size with lots of different plants and new ideas.
  • You will be amazed at how many ideas you can use in your own yard from the beautiful Gateway yard to the Inspiration Gardens.
  • When you’re ready to go inside, you can see the scenery and strange animals of Madagascar, or you can go to the tropical rainforest of Costa Rica to see butterflies and ground doves that coo.


  • This floral garden is one of the best public gardens because it inspires, educates, and leads to new ideas. Along the Texas Native Trail, there are ideas for saving water that visitors will enjoy.
  • There is also a Bird Watch structure where visitors can watch both local and traveling birds.
  • This well-thought-out design lets you watch birds without being bothered, so don’t forget to bring your glasses.
  • There are also some historically important buildings in the yard, such as a futuristic glass conservatory and some buildings from the 1800s.

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