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7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain

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7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain

7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain:- Your brain works hard. Consider other machines. Never use anything else for car oil. Air conditioner filters: dust before replacing? Although some are obvious, humans sometimes choose the easiest or most convenient. You may have turned off the nighttime smoke detector to change the battery in the morning. Battery replacement is inevitable after several weeks. You know smoke alarms matter. But life gets in the way of a busy, beautiful, flawed person.

Your brain likes good working conditions like any machine. Most bad brain habits are obvious, like knowing the smoke detector needs batteries to save you. Which criminals are worst? What removes toxins from pure motor oil, filter dust, and crisp brain batteries? The brain machine should keep us moving, find memories and thoughts when we need them, and have a pleasant mood and personality to get along with other brain machines.

7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain

1. Too much sitting

  • Brain function slows with sitting. How? Sitting prevents your muscles from pumping blood, oxygen, and good chemicals to and from your brain. This goes beyond exercise. Any exercise boosts these chemicals.
  • Studies show that daily steps may lower dementia risk. Take breaks from excessive desk time. Catching up on work or social calls? Talk while walking around your office or home. Monitor your TV and social media time. Obesity and inactivity increase stroke risk.
  • Falling causes brain injury and bleeding, but balance exercises can reduce the risk. Natural surroundings can reduce stress and mood. Wear trainers at home to make bouncing up and moving easier. Happier feet can mean happier brains.

2. Too little brain exercise

  • More than just your body needs to move. Your brain may use or lose it.
  • Good news: brain exercises are fun.
  • Reading, playing games with family, listening to music, dancing, and trying new hobbies like woodworking, bird watching, and star gazing can improve your thinking.
  • Socialising releases tonnes of good brain juices.
  • Expand your leisure time, personal interests, and social circle to benefit your brain like a brisk walk does your heart.

3. Not enough sleep

  • Because we need full battery power the next day, most of us charge our phones before bed.
  • This applies to your brain and sleep. Better sleep means better mood and thinking the next day.
  • We all know seven to eight hours is ideal, but the CDC says one-third of Americans fall short.
  • Nobody likes lying in bed wishing for sleep more than when the alarm clock goes off after not enough.
  • You know hygiene. Brush your teeth, shower, and comb your hair daily.
  • The brain needs sleep hygiene.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, spend only seven to eight hours in bed, avoid electronics like TVs and smart phones 30 minutes before bedtime, avoid caffeine several hours before bed, and keep the lights down to signal to your brain that it’s bedtime.

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7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain

7 Bad Habits That Actually Damage Your Brain

4. Overstressing

  • A stressed brain can’t always remember. Stress reduces brain peak performance.
  • Stress poisons the prefrontal cortex. This brain region controls our thoughts, actions, and emotions and performs high-level thinking.
  • Managing mood and stress disorders requires effort, medication, and therapy. Daily actions can calm the prefrontal cortex.
  • First, recognise stress symptoms like irritability, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, decreased concentration, and overwhelm.
  • Then, manage the stress as best you can while acknowledging your limitations.
  • Finally, relax by deep breathing, walking, calling a friend, meditating, or stepping away.

5. Poor Diet

  • Your brain monitors when, what, and how much you eat.
  • Has skipping a meal caused a tension headache? Your brain is saying, “Feed me or I quit.” Never skip a meal and learn to eat when hungry.
  • Remember that diet matters too.
  • Clean eating improves brain function over time, according to extensive research.
  • Chips, sodas, candy, and fast food trick our reward centres into thinking we’ll feel good, but they’re often nutritionally worthless.
  • Natural brain-healthy foods include leafy greens, fish, whole grains, nuts, and berries.
  • Naturally, overeating and certain foods slow the brain. Imagine how you feel after Thanksgiving’s big meal.
  • Your brain is overactive. Large amounts of complex carbs from stuffing and sweets like pies at that meal cause after-dinner fatigue, not turkey tryptophan (which is unfairly blamed).
  • Remember that restrictive diets are hard and frustrating.
  • Try to plan your meals most of the time and forgive yourself for mistakes while quickly refocusing on good eating.

6. Illicit drug use, smoking, and excessive drinking

  • While discussing habits, we must address these offenders, who unfortunately hook too many and cause premature deaths.
  • Think moderate drinking is fine? Research may call this assumption into question. Researchers have found weak and inconsistent evidence that light to moderate alcohol may protect against dementia and stroke. Assume less alcohol for now.
  • Smoking is harmful, and most smokers want to quit.
  • If you can’t quit smoking or vaping, see a doctor.
  • Same for illegal drugs. So what about marijuana and the brain? Cannabis impairs focus and coordination.
  • The brain becomes slow and forgetful. Medical marijuana may help some childhood epilepsies and chemotherapy nausea, but the risks to the brain must be considered in each patient.

7. Not taking simple safety measures

  • The skull protects your brain, but it needs your help. Brain injuries impair function.
  • Stay hydrated, avoid loud noises (including ear buds), wear a helmet when biking, wear your seat belt, don’t drink and drive, be careful when climbing ladders, and don’t use your phone while driving or walking in public.
  • Your mum wouldn’t want you diving in shallow water, so teach your kids that.


  • Feels overwhelming? Because bad habits are hard to break and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Repetition creates good and bad habits. Choose one or two things to cut or change.
  • Replace bad habits with good ones.
  • If you’re having trouble changing a brain-damaging habit, talk to your doctor. Your brain machine will benefit from new oil, filters, and batteries.

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