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7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick

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7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick

7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick:- Autumn and winter are often times for getting sick, from the common cold to the flu. But everyone knows that one person who almost never gets sick. How do they keep their health up? It could be one of these tips for staying healthy:

7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick

Every day, work out.

  • It helps your body fight off sickness. Studies have shown that doing some mild exercise can cut the number of colds you get each year by 25 to 50 percent.
    Do not touch your face with your hands. People usually touch their face two to four times every minute. It’s easy to get a cold or other virus when there are lots of germs around. These germs get into your body through your eyes, nose, and mouth. So don’t touch your face with your hands.

Clean up

  • A lot of the time. To avoid getting a cold, the CDC says that washing your hands is the most important thing you can do. There are many types of viruses around us all the time during cold and flu season. These viruses can be found on doorknobs, stair railings, and even other people. Wash your hands with warm water and regular soap for at least 20 seconds. That’s how long it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Rub your hands together, between your fingers, and under your nails. Also, use a clean towel to dry your hands.

Before, during, and after making food are all times to wash your hands

  • Before you eat and after taking care of someone who is sick.
  • Before and after taking care of a wound or cut.
  • After going to the toilet.
  • After nappy changes or cleaning up a child who has gone to the toilet.
  • When you blow your nose, cough, or sneeze. When you touch an animal, animal feed, or animal waste.
  • Before giving pet toys or food.
  • When you touch trash.

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7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick

7 Secrets of People Who Rarely Get Sick

Take care of your body

  • An important part of having a healthy life is eating well. Eating well can also help your immune system. Foods that are high in vitamin C and D, such as cabbage, strawberries, and oranges, are some things to look for. Quercetin-rich foods, like red apples, broccoli, and green tea, can also help your immune system.

Do what you need to do

  • Getting enough vitamin C and other vitamins can help your immune system get better, but it’s not true that vitamin C stops colds. Fresh fruits and veggies are full of many vitamins that can help your body fight off sickness.

Rest a lot

  • Don’t skip getting your Getting enough sleep is very good for your health. A good night’s sleep will help your body fight off sickness.

Do not forget to get your flu shot

  • The Centre for Disease Control says that the best way to stop the flu from spreading is to get a flu shot. It’s still true even if the flu shot doesn’t work well with the type of flu that’s going around.

Help your body’s defences

  • All year long, remember these tips to stay healthy.

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