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Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight

Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight

Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight:- Did you know that low-glycemic index foods lower blood sugar and improve fat metabolism? GI analyses how a food affects blood glucose levels after eating. The GI Index compares all foods to pure glucose, which has a GI value of 100.

All other foods are rated 0–100 based on their blood glucose impact. Low-GI foods should have a GI of 50 or less. Low-GI foods include wholegrain chapattis, lentils, barley, beans, non-starchy vegetables, apples, pears, citrus fruits, meat, fish, and eggs.

Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight

Health advantages

  • Low-GI foods do not raise blood glucose quickly. Since they don’t elevate blood sugar, less insulin is needed to eradicate it. This reduces type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
  • They also include cholesterol-lowering fibre. Low-GI foods like whole grains, legumes, and veggies let you feel full with fewer calories and help you maintain a healthy weight. They may also prevent breast and colon cancer.

Also Read:-Snacks for Diabetes: Fibre Promotes Satiety and Blood Sugar Control

Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight

Low-GI Foods Help Control Diabetes and Maintain Weight

Tips to eat low GI foods

  • Instead of processed flours like maida, you should consume whole grains and flour made from whole grains.
  • In general, foods that are ready to eat, such as cereals and rolls, have a high glycemic index (GI).
  • Breakfast cereals that are packed and processed, such as cornflakes, or those that include additional sugar should be avoided.
  • By avoiding wheat, flour, and rice in your diet, you can successfully beat diabetes.
  • Consume fruits in their full form rather than drinking fruit juice.
  • An orange, for instance, has a GI rating of 42, which indicates that it has a low GI,
  • Whereas the juice of an orange has a value of 52, which indicates that it has a moderate GI.
  • Vegetables that are heavy in starch, such as sweet potatoes, corn and beetroot, have a very high to medium glycemic index.
  • Consequently, choose veggies that are low in glycemic index and do not contain starch, such as spinach, broccoli, peppers, onions, and cabbage.
  • Consume blended vegetable soups rather than clear soups throughout the day.
  • Incorporate legumes and nuts into your diet, such as split peas, lentils, and dry beans.
  • The glycemic index (GI) of soy beans is only 18, which is a very low figure.
  • A number of other legumes, including kidney beans, white beans, and black beans, also have a glycemic index that is extremely low.
  • The regulation of blood sugar can also be improved by fibre.
  • Include chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pysillium husk in your diet to increase the amount of fibre you consume.

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