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The 10 Ugliest Places You’ll Never Want to Visit

The 10 Ugliest Places You'll Never Want to Visit

The 10 Ugliest Places You’ll Never Want to Visit:For me, ugliness is more than just how it looks.

There are times when a place’s dirty air, dark past, or flaw in society make it more interesting.

The 10 Ugliest Places You’ll Never Want to Visit

There is a new online post where people list the weirdest places they have been. Here are some useful tips for all tourists.

1. Odessa, Texas

  • Some people need time to get used to West Texas, and Odessa gets some bad press in this thread. Someone who may have left a review on Tripadvisor before says, “The amount of trash and litter along the roads and in town was awful.”
  • A woman who used to live in West Texas agrees:
  • “I’d never move back to my old hometown, and it would take at least $10 million to get me back in Texas.”

2. North Sulawesi, Indonesia

  • A tourist says, “Everywhere in the city stinks. The jungles are better, but there’s still trash everywhere.”
  • Sadly, different countries have different ideas about how to deal with trash.
  • Poor local settings happen even in places you wouldn’t expect.

3. Cairo, Egypt

  • “I wouldn’t trade the experiences from there,” says a person who has lived there in the past, “but the city itself is a massive trash heap with questionable building codes.”
  • There is a part of me that has to agree with this because I used to reside there. You will be able to find certain pockets of architecture that is both peaceful and poetic if you are able to navigate through the areas that are more likely to cause sensory overload.
  • An further poster states that Egypt is in the process of constructing a brand new capital city to the east of Cairo.
  • Additionally, I have a strong suspicion that they have given up on the old city.

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4. Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • When we complain about developing countries, we need to proceed with caution; nonetheless, by the year 2023, the majority of urban centers will have reached the level of education necessary to organize a city clean-up.
  • Bangladesh’s capital city of Dhaka is not one of them. Each and every part of the city smells like a sewer.
  • The prior visitor warns that there is not a single roadway that is free of rubbish.
  • “The countryside, which is absolutely breathtaking, was such a striking contrast to what I was experiencing.”

5. Middlesbrough, England

  • When I went to Middlesbrough for a business weekend, the first thing that struck me was the heavy pollution from their steel and ironworks.
  • I went deeper into the area and saw a lot of bald, tattooed guys who had too much time on their hands and some really ugly post-war buildings.
  • Having Middlesbrough is like having the flu in a city.
  • Thank goodness the smog is gone now, but I will never go back to Middlesborough.

6. Nouakchott, Mauritania

  • Someone who lived in the main city of Mauritania said there was trash everywhere, goats were eating the trash, and camels were being killed in public.
  • “The capital of more than a million people is badly planned.”
  • The previous resident says, “Most of the roads are dirt, and because it’s so close to the Sahara, it always feels like you’re at the beach no matter what you do.” “There is sand on top of everything.”

7. Tijuana, Mexico

  • “What a sad place,” one person says. “It broke my heart to see the kids making gum and the drunk American frat boys.”
  • Some places are bad because of where they are located.
  • Because Tijuana is close to the U.S. border, it draws tourists who are usually not very careful about what they do.

8. Bratislava, Slovakia

  • Someone who doesn’t like the main city of Slovakia calls it the “total ashtray of Eastern Europe.”
  • “There is no public transportation. Putting down infrastructure.”
  • That being said, the commenter does agree that the city does have some good bars.
  • “Gotta love that exchange rate, though,” a moviegoer says, referring to the slacker comedy Eurotrip from 2004.

9. Central Zambia

  • A doctor who has been to a lot of places says that they saw some beautiful places in their early work in eastern and southern Africa.
  • One of these places was most of Zambia.
  • But the way they describe central Zambia sounds sad. Someone looks and says, “No hills, no bigger trees, no lakes or rivers.”
  • “For two hundred miles, there was nothing but flat scrub. The scenery was so boring it hurt.”
The 10 Ugliest Places You'll Never Want to Visit

The 10 Ugliest Places You’ll Never Want to Visit

10. West Memphis, Arkansas

  • While traveling, one person remembers taking the wrong turn and ending up in Arkansas, where things started to get weird.
  • “All of a sudden, the road started to crumble,” the scared driver says. “The grass turned brown right away, like it hadn’t been watered in weeks.”
  • After that, they talk about seeing a body bag by the side of the road.
  • “You ended up in West Memphis, Arkansas,” says a guest who has been there before.

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