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The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade

The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade

The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade:Trends go through cycles. Whether it’s home decor or fashion, trends that were popular at one point become less popular for a while and then become popular again.

That means Grandma’s old kitchen might be in style again. People often say that what goes around comes around.

The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade

  • We start our history of the homefront in the 1920s, a hundred years ago, with the kitchen as the heart (and stomach) of the home.
  • We’ve put together a list of the most important things about each decade based on how people arranged their homes during that time.
  • Styles were very different from one age to the next, and not all trends have come back into style.
  • A lot of old styles are coming back into style, which is great, but some styles we hope never come back. You pick which trends are worth following again.

1920s & 30s: All About Art Deco

  • Courtney Thomas, an interior designer, says, “When I think of design from the 1920s, I think of Art Deco: bright colors, geometric patterns, and glitzy luxury.”
  • Designer JuliAnne Kelly agrees and says that this time had a lot of Art Deco influences and floors with checkered patterns.

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1940s: Retro Rules

  • Kelly thinks of brightly colored houses when she thinks of the 1940s.
  • During this time, kitchen cabinets and floors often had colors like cherry red and butter yellow on them.
  • Kitchens in the 1940s also had a lot of geometric patterns, like herringbone, and furniture that was bent.
  • Artists moved away from Art Deco during this time and toward more traditional patterns and styles with bright pops of color.

1950s: Nuclear Chic

  • The 1950s were a big time for pastel colors in home decor, especially in kitchens where aqua cabinets were popular, along with linoleum floors and bright appliances.
  • It was also very popular at this time to use atomic themes. Houses all over the South had atomic boomerangs on display.

1960s: Mid Century Modern

  • Home decor changed a lot in the 1960s compared to the previous decade. In the 1960s, psychedelic art and fashion, especially fabrics with cool designs, went hand in hand with the Pop Art movement.
  • Kelly also says that people switched from steel cabinets, which were popular in the 1950s, to wood cabinets in the 1960s.
  • During this decade, homes also showed off their brand-new tech.
  • Today, we try to hide our kitchen appliances, but in the 1960s, people were proud to show off their new goods.

1970s: Kitsch In The Kitchen

  • Kitsch was popular in the 1970s. In this time period, kitchens often had a lot of neutral colors and showed off the personalities of the people who lived there. Also popular in the 1970s were paneled walls and Terrazzo.
  • “Terrazzo first appeared in the 1920s, but its popularity went through the roof in the 1970s, mostly on floors.”
  • Lisa Shaffer, an interior designer, says that the 1970s also had soft forms and ceilings that made a statement.
  • “Open floor plans with bright colors, floating stairs, double-height rooms, and bigger windows became popular in the 1970s.”
The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade

The Most Popular Kitchen Design Trends Of Every Decade

1980s: “More Is More”

  • “Bright color and opulence was the rule with layers and layers of accessories,” “The sofa pillows were made of the same material as the drapes.” The color scheme either went together or matched. A lot of heavy trims were there.
  •  who was one of the most famous designers of the time and was also known as “The King of Chintz.
  • “He [Buatta] got people interested in the English Country Cottage style mixed with bright chintz fabrics.”
  • “In this time of plenty, his philosophy was ‘More is More.'” He would put collectibles on top of each other in every part of a project.
  • This meant putting porcelain next to works of art on the walls. She also says that raised Panel Wood cabinets, square backsplashes, and floral wallpaper were common in kitchens at this time.
  • Shaffer, on the other hand, adds geometric forms, bright color combinations, and graphic patterns to the 80s.

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