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10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World

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10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World

10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World:- Everybody likes cheese. It is a milk-based food high in fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus. There are about 2,000 types of cheese in the globe, and its taste, texture, and form depend on milk origin (cow, sheep, goat, or buffalo), processing, ageing, flavouring, etc.


10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World

1. Cheddar

  • Depending on the milk used, this semi-hard cheese is white, off white, or golden yellow and has a creamy, pungent taste that sharpens with age.

2. Mozzarella

  • The milk of a cow or a water bull is usually used to make it. Not like a lot of other cheeses, this one is eaten right away. You can also add mozzarella to salads, seafood, meats, and veggies to make them taste better.

3. Gouda

  • Gouda has become a name for a lot of different kinds of cheese because the people who made it didn’t protect the word. The first kind of Gouda is made from cow’s milk that has been heated up and has a sweet taste.

4. Feta

  • Greece’s most famous cheese is feta, and for good reason: it tastes very different from other cheeses and goes well with grapes or a light wine.

5. Durrus

  • It smells like hay and wet dirt and is made from raw milk. The outside of the cheese is pinkish-orange, and the cheese itself tastes like butter.

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10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World

10 Most Popular Types of Cheese Around The World or Cheeses of The World

6. Brie

  • Brie, sometimes known as “The Queen of Cheeses,” is an excellent cheese for dessert. Additionally, it has a moderate flavour and a little runny consistency. After it has reached a light brown colour, it is then considered to be cheese that has reached its mature state.

7. Halloumi

  • A combination of goat milk and sheep milk is used in its production. It is a popular ingredient for barbeque because of its high melting point, which allows it to be readily fried or grilled. Additionally, it can be grilled.

8. Pule

  • Pule is the only cheese that is produced from donkey milk, and it is also the cheese that is the most expensive in the total world market.
  • The production of just one kilogramme of this crumbly and white cheese requires the delivery of twenty-five litres of donkey milk.

9. Roquefort

  • Blue cheese is characterised by a flavour that is both salty and sour. Salads and dressings are two common applications for this cheese, which is commonly referred to as the “cheese of kings and popes.”

10. Pecorino

  • To a large extent, the Pecorino family name encompasses all of the Italian cheeses that are produced from sheep’s milk.
  • They are cheeses that are shaped like drums and are preferred for use in a variety of pasta recipes in Italy.

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